Do you like this one,or that one?

The ultimate goal of an A/B test is to let your customers tell you what they like best so you can improve your site and marketing efforts. But before you get going you need to know how your current user interacts with your site in order to understand if they would like another option better!

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Fun fact about A/B Testing

When considering what to test, look at your sales funnel to determine where you’re losing potential conversions.

All About

A/B Testing

A/B testing, sometimes called split testing, is a user experience research methodology. A/B testing is commonly used in web development to ensure that data and not personal opinion drive changes to a web page or page component. A/B tests consist of a randomized experiment with two variants, A and B. It includes applying statistical hypothesis testing or "two-sample hypothesis testing" as used in the field of statistics.
These are blind studies, and the participants are unaware that a test is being conducted. During the test period, half the visitors to the Web page are served version A of the Web page, which has no changes, and half are done version B, which includes a change that is designed improve a specific metric such as clickthrough rate, conversion, engagement or time spent on-page.

End-user behavior, which is gathered throughout the test period, is analyzed to determine whether the control or the variant performed better for the desired goal.

Some key benefits of A/B Testing include:

- Reduce bounce rate
- Solve visitor confusion in specific areas
- Get a better ROI from your existing traffic
- Make low-res modifications
- Profitably redesign your website

Ready to go?

Getting started is easy peasy.

  • 1

    This is where we sit down over coffee, tea, or a drink to discuss your current business, where it's at, and where you would like to be. You do the talking and we do the listening!

  • 2
    Game plan

    Now it's our turn, we run reports and do a comprehensive analysis of your current site, standing, competitions, and goals. We come up with a game plan to help achieve both short and long term goals.

  • 3
    It's go time

    With a plan and expectations set it's go time! No hassles, no long term contracts, transparency and results.